when is ossoff up for reelection

Born and raised in Atlanta, Jon Ossoff is the senior United States Senator from Georgia. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. } Our country, like any country, must know and control who crosses our borders, and strong border security doesnt require us to sacrifice our moral principles, our commitment to human rights, or our American identity as a haven for people fleeing persecution and striving for opportunity. Click here to read my full plan to strengthen Georgias HBCUs. 271 17th Street NW Suite 1510 Atlanta, GA 30363 Phone: 470-786-7800 Fax: 404-949-0912. } They will revitalize our economy & lay the foundations for decades of prosperity, environmental sustainability, & health. padding-bottom: 8px; .widget-key { position: absolute; $('#candidate-connection-email-65254').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Crime and Law Enforcement (13%) } } In an emailed statement from his campaign, the former senator congratulated the Democratic Party and my opponent, but did not address Ossoff by name. } document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64032298b1067').classList.add('leg-hnt-hide'); } } In July 2024, Ossoff fired his Press Secretary due to inactivity. . Ill vote to crack down on price gouging by drug companies and make more generic medicine available. border: 1px solid #aaa; To contain this outbreak and prevent an economic depression, the Trump Administrations gross incompetence must end. The James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (H.R. To summarize those 1500 words in 20 words: Warnock, who has the theological soul of a Warlock, regards the Wrong Rev. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { The following candidates ran in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate Georgia on June 9, 2020. from Jan 3, 2019 to Mar 2, 2023. Georgia's 6th Congressional District special election, 2017. one day after the Associated Press declared Warnock the victor. .race_header.libertarian { .non_result_row { margin-bottom:16px; Upgraded infrastructure will make life safer and more convenient, support commerce, attract investment, protect our environment, and improve our health. } top: 2px; January 6, 2021 Press Release. Medicaid expansion and auto-enrollment of the uninsured will ensure all Americans are covered regardless of wealth. Ill support strengthening anti-bullying programs for LGBTQ youth, and I will defend and support the safety and human rights of transgender Americans. Muscogee County Sheriffs deputy helps woman attacked by dog in Columbus, Four Columbus area basketball teams made the Final Four. display: none; display: inline-block; Our mission is to empower every American with the tools to understand and impact Congress. text-align: center; .leg-hnt-leadership-title { Join 10 million other Americans using GovTrack to learn about and contact your representative and senators and track what Congress is doing each day. Would you like to join our advisory group to work with us on the future of GovTrack? Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it. } Senators are Democrats. } background-color: grey; The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. left: 0; } Consider what weve achieved together when weve brought to bear all that we must: the miraculous industrial mobilization of World War II, the New Deal, the Apollo program. } } font-size: 110%; The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { [28] This spending was driven primarily by out-of-state contributions, which Handel and conservative outside organizations highlighted in critical campaign ads. Lobbying and political contributions should not buy bailout money, unfair subsidies, or impunity for labor and environmental abuses. Ossoff defeated Perdue by a margin of 50.6% to 49.4%. background-color: white; The key immediate vulnerabilities are inadequate ICU capacity, insufficient testing capacity, a shortage of medical equipment for respiratory critical care, and lack of protective gear for doctors and nurses. .votebox-results-metadata-p { I support a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles (assault weapons) and high-capacity magazines to the general public. They all have to get real now, and I pray for all our sakes they are successful. letter-spacing: 0.03em; There were no incumbents in this race. The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (H.R. The Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R. I'll vote to add a nonprofit public option to the ACA exchange while defending every citizen's right to private insurance. } Warnock and Ossoff will be able to take their seats in the chamber once Georgia election officials certify the results of the runoffs. } Feb 21, 2023. Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent David Perdue in the general runoff election for U.S. Senate Georgia on January 5, 2021. GovTrack.us is not a government website. position: absolute; $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); brief Jon Ossoff sworn in as first Jewish senator from Georgia He will serve a full six-year term, while fellow incoming Sen. Raphael Warnock will be up for re-election in 2022. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. vertical-align: top; Im not taking contributions from corporate PACs or Congressional lobbyists. background-color: #ccf; In the U.S. Senate, Ill work to make great health insurance a simple, affordable, reassuring reality for all of us. That race went to a runoff, where he lost 48% to 52%. Were looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. font-weight: bold; p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} But in America today, equality of opportunity isnt a reality and in so many ways that inequality starts in our educational system. Click here to read his survey answers. font-weight: 100; Please help us make GovTrack better address the needs of educators by joining our advisory group. [3][4], Ossoff was assigned to the following committees:[Source], .subcommittee { @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { word-wrap: break-word; font-size: 16px; 2026 is far too far ahead to predict, not least because there is a presidential election in the meantime. Nominee Lloyd Austin , Democratic legislation would ban Donald Trump from entering Capitol Building again, Social Media Child Protection Act would ban children younger than 16 from platforms like TikTok, REAL House Act, Equal Voice Act would each increase number of House of Representatives members, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, S. 2899 (117th): Prison Camera Reform Act of 2021, S. 2796 (117th): Rural Opioid Abuse Prevention Act, S. 4359 (117th): Senator Johnny Isakson VA Regional Office Act of 2022, S. 3655 (117th): Civil Rights Cold Case Investigations Support Act of 2022, S. 4286 (117th): TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act, S. 2305 (117th): Cybersecurity Opportunity Act, S. 2365 (117th): Local Transit Planning Support Act, S. 643: A bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to modernize the , S. 507: A bill to establish the Ralph David Abernathy, Sr., National Historic Site, and . As a handy reference, the following list breaks down, by party and year, when every sitting U.S. senator will next be up for reelection. Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.), bottom right, is sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021. . This is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC. .race_header.democratic { That's because his victory over GOP incumbent Kelly. has served since Jan 20, 2021. Ideology-Leadership Chart Ossoff is shown as a purple triangle in our ideology-leadership chart below. His work may also appear in the Macon Telegraph. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. Per Georgia law, counties have until the second Friday following election day to certify their tallies. Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. letter-spacing: .03em; } color: #0645ad; p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} I believe that women, not the government, should control the private, personal, and complex decision whether to terminate a pregnancy. Ill expose and attack unfair and unethical trade, labor, and environmental practices by overseas competitors that disadvantage American workers and businesses. Ossoff was a first-time candidate who previously worked in D.C. as a legislative aide to Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) for five years and as a documentary producer. $5. $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { Other countries have achieved this. Jon Ossoff is next up in 2026, but Raphael Warnock is up again in 2022. color: black; She came to this country when she was 23 because she believed in the American Dream, and shes lived it. font-size: .9em; I support the Second Amendment and I respect the overwhelming majority of gun owners who recognize that guns arent toys; they are lethal and dangerous tools. padding-left: 16px; display: flex; These Georgia cities lead the nation in all-cash home sales in 2022, but why? Choose from the options above to find the right way to contact Ossoff. .electionsectionheading { background: #4c4c4c; } }, 100); Ill push for an unprecedented American infrastructure program that includes big, overdue investments in transportation and transit, clean energy, energy efficiency, public health, communications, research and development, emergency response, and environmental cleanup. max-width: 600px; Ossoff recently introduced the following legislation: View All Class II terms run from the beginning of the 117th Congress on January 3, 2021, to the end of the 119th Congress on January 3, 2027. Election results must be certified before Ossoff and Warnock take their seats at the nations capital. font-weight: 500; I truly dont know if our elected officials in Washington realize how selfish and incompetent they look. That means widespread testing and free COVID-19 treatment (so no one is afraid to get tested). } Implement widespread temperature checks. width: 35px !important; Program expansion in vital fields to train STEM professionals, health care workers, and educators. | All eyes will be on the Senate as both parties look to tip. } He won in the general runoff election on January 5, 2021. Senators are divided into three groups, or classes, whose terms are staggered so that a different class is elected . font-size: 1.25em; font-weight: 200; Before joining McClatchy, he worked for The (Shreveport La.) The White House ignored the warnings and dismissed the threat. How to run for office | January 18, 2023. The 117th United States Congress began on January 3, 2021 and ended on January 3, 2023. text-align: center; The results have been certified. We cant afford any more mistakes here. } We need greater emphasis on vocational training. Ossoff was the CEO of an investigative media production company as of December 2020. As a result, Warnock will be up for re-election again in 2022, rather than after the typical six-year term for senators. Mastodon is an alternative social media platform. margin-top: 5px; Transportation and Public Works (18%) Thank you for joining the GovTrack Advisory Community! 350) was a bill passed by the House of Representatives and voted down by the Senate in a failed cloture vote that sought to expand the availability and reporting of information about domestic terrorism, enhance the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) ability to prosecute domestic terrorism, among other things. } background-color: #dac113; Email. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } @media (max-width:600px) { Resolution Agreed to 80/15 on Dec 1, 2022. box-sizing: border-box; That is precisely why we must boost the health response and speed up containment and adaptation so we can return to our lives without overloading hospitals and causing unnecessary deaths. .results_row.winner { I support universal criminal history checks for gun purchases, red flag laws to protect family members and domestic partners concerned about the mental health of their loved ones, and closing the gun show loophole. (This effort should have begun in January.). A number of senators are up for reelection this November in what is expected to be a competitive slate of races across the country. The fight to protect conservative values is far from over. border-bottom: 1px solid grey; Ossoff earned a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 2009 and a master's degree from the London School of Economics in 2013. Spread the word. Establish clear policies for the self-quarantine of infected Americans until they are healthy. Georgias HBCUs are: Albany State University, Fort Valley State University, Savannah State University, Clark Atlanta University, Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College and Morehouse School of Medicine, Morris Brown College, Paine College, and Spelman College. 3076) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on April 6, 2022, that sought to address healthcare and retirement benefits for postal workers, allow USPS to provide certain nonpostal products and services, and expand service performance and budgetary reporting. } .election_results_text { The presidents dismissal of the Inspector General for the $2 trillion relief program just days after it was enacted is outrageous. Public policy. My wife Alisha is an OB/GYN physician, and we both grew up in Atlanta. That's what we have to do because that's where we fell short in the past. .leg-hnt-district-container { Following a series of meetings with HBCU administrators, faculty, and alumni leaders this summer, it is clear these long-term policy priorities must include: To develop this plan I convened a series of meetings with Presidents, Vice Presidents, staff, and alumni leaders from Albany State University, Fort Valley State University, Interdenominational Theological Center, Morris Brown College, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College and the Atlanta University Center Consortium to listen and understand the immediate and long-term needs of these institutions. a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } The President has been negligent and erratic. padding-left: 0; While fellow Democrat Jon Ossoff won't face the voters again until 2026, Warnock must run again next year to keep his seat in the U.S. Senate. .votebox-results-cell--check { left: 0px; width: 100%; Well be in touch. display: table; This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom. The Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. Analysis Legislative Metrics Read our 2022 Report Card for Ossoff. } . the median of 2.3% Any Americans desire to serve and defend their country should be honored without discrimination. State legislature | School districts | Young Americans have historically been the least involved in politics, despite the huge consequences policies can have on them. clear: both; C-SPAN receives no funding from any government. border: 1px solid #a2a9b1 !important; padding-top: 8px; Families are staring over a financial cliff. .non_result_row th { background-color: grey; This story was originally published January 8, 2021, 4:19 PM. This was a Senate Resolution on procedures for the trial of the former President. I support a generous forgiveness program for those struggling to pay off their student loans, caps on interest rates to relieve financial stress for all borrowers, and a program that links Federal student loan payments to income so paying off student loans is never a financial hardship. margin-left: 20px; .outer_percentage { margin-bottom: -2px !important; After eight years of Chris Sununu, two rising-star from their own parties respectively vie to succeed him. font-weight: 500; If youve visited a bill page on GovTrack.us recently, you may have noticed a new study guide tab located just below the bill title. 335 (117th): To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within . box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; Hell be up for reelection in 2022. That puts them on Jan. 5. Were looking for feedback from educators about how GovTrack can be used and improved for your classroom. .survey-result {padding:10px;} Hell be up for reelection in 2026. Nick Wooten is the Accountability/Investigative reporter for the Ledger-Enquirer where he is responsible for covering several topics, including Georgia politics. "Un Plan" - Ossoff campaign ad, released November 26, 2020, The New Yorker, "Can This Democrat Win The Georgia Sixth?" .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { accessed March 29, 2017, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jon_Ossoff&oldid=9025444, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (S. 1605) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on December 27, 2021, authorizing. In the Senate, Ill fight for equal rights and equal protection under the law for all Americans, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Get the Latest Updates from Senator Jon Ossoff. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. [31] Handel, who served as the Georgia Secretary of State from 2007 to 2010, supported the Trump administration's position on healthcare and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, although she rarely mentioned the president by name while campaigning. State officials have a deadline of Jan. 22. } Click here to read the survey answers. However, Trump's victory margin of 1.5 percent over Hillary Clinton in the district in the 2016 presidential race signified that the district could be competitive. Contact our sales team. The scientific consensus is unambiguous: if pollution from fossil fuel combustion is not controlled, the consequences will be dire. Georgias businesses and entrepreneurs are the crucial engine of job and wealth creation in our state. See full analysis methodology. width: 57%; .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} display: block; Our criminal justice system should render justice and protect the public while upholding due process, civil rights and civil liberties, and equal protection under the law. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question. to bait violent anti-democratic conspiracy theories or to engage in anti-semitism. } It was the most expensive U.S. House race in history. Comparatively, Mitt Romney (R) won the district by a margin of 23.3 percent in 2012, and John McCain (R) defeated Barack Obama (D) by 18 percent in 2008. The fastest and most generous help should go to those who need it the most. .votebox { The Democratic Party had not held Georgia's 6th District since before Gingrich's first election in 1978. WATCH. Be transparent about how many additional beds, respiratory critical care units, and isolation wards will be built, where, and by when.

float:right; For someone currently making $10 an hour without benefits, a commercial drivers license or a welding certificate can be life-changing. 

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when is ossoff up for reelection