stefan salvatore kill count

Within in the house, is revealed that Elena and Stefan are needed to perform the spell for their doppelgnger's blood, they are surrounded by many Travelers that begin to perform the spell, they are stuck unable to leave because their rings of light stopped working. As a result of indirectly betraying Damon, Stefan felt extreme guilt for unintentionally being responsible for Katherine's capture and promised Damon that he would do everything he could to help Damon get Katherine back. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house. Later, Stefan visits Caroline and she demands to know where he was. Stefan says she doesn't have to worry about that anymore because he realizes hating Klaus and getting revenge isn't worth it. This is evident in Stefan when he very quickly and easily became infatuated and fell in love with Katherine Pierce, which is evidence of his youthfulness, naivety and simplicity as a regular teenage human. Stefan says that they're "reminiscing" trying to gloss it over a bit for her. Even though she chose Damon in Season 4, Stefan was still in love with Elena. Biographical information He is then shot in the leg with another arrow and Rayna then pulls out her sword. Caroline later freaks out about which book to pick for her mom's last literary experience, but Stefan reminds her that it's all of the days that lead up to your last one that matter more. Stefan tells her that he would have wanted a child. After his mother's passing, Stefan lived with his father and his brother Damon. Her last words is "I guess this is how our love story ends", Stefan just look at her and she dies. The brothers are taken by the sheriff and her deputies. The person is also looking for the headstone and finds it, when the original sister catches him. The gang then go on a compelling spree, compelling all the residents that their town isn't safe anymore and that they should pack up their stuff and leave immediately. Stefan confronts him about it and Damon explains that he brought the blood bag for Elena, and they argue again about what is best for Elena. He compels the officer and the man handcuffed who reveals he is a convicted murderer. Later, Stefan arrives with Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion and incapacitates Chris with a stake. Caroline asks Stefan how he feels about living in Dallas but has to get off the phone to deal with the babies. Klaus shows up to get the stakes. Stefan arrived at the Lockwood Estate in time to stop Katherine from attacking Bonnie. Klaus takes him to Chicago about their memories (who was erased by Klaus) and their days and Rebekah is now dead, waiting for her resurrection. While Stefan instructs Elena on using vampire speed, she is distracted by Stefan's touch. Katherine introduces her to Stefan. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. Stefan tells him that he doesn't want to kick him out but he will. Meredith goes at the Gilbert house and tries to convince Elena that her brother is actually dead but Elena doesn't want to accept it. Klaus needs important information regarding the hunter that only Rebekah would know, but she is still angry with Klaus. Stefan later kills Galen Vaughn when he is threatening Damon. Later, in Stefan's bedroom, Elena finishes leaving a message for Caroline to ask for help adjusting as Stefan walks into the room with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. She is very sad about the death of Bonnie, someone that he can't remember. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. Stefan's grateful for the love he and Elena shared, but he's more grateful that she repaired his relationship with Damon. Caroline angrily replies "Well, let me summarize them for you: You're a dick. Stefan tells Damon about kissing Caroline. We're led to believe that it's baby Nadia laying there. Stefan then took Elena on a hike to watch the sunset and to have one last romantic day together. Stefan sat there all day and into night, feeling like an idiot. Shirtless Jeremy drank all the coffee. Three years later, Stefan enters a storage compartment containing two coffins in the New York harbor. By Caroline, Stefan also learned that Elena had had sex with Damon. Stefan accuses her of being vain, and she says that she'd rather go glamorous. After being turned, he continued to be incredibly empathetic and dedicated to those he loves. Later Stefan finds Elena and makes her dance with him and she tells him to let go or she'll bite him Stefan reminds her that he's the one that hates to dance and Elena says that she finally sees why, Stefan then asks Elena that she's only here to help Rebekah get the cure on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school and Elena asks him if he thinks that this is her cry for help and that she'll be happy to show him what a real cry for help sounds like, Stefan asks her does she feel anything about them she says that feels nothing Stefan says that he doesn't believe her and she says that she doesn't care, Stefan start to dance slowly with her and asks her that she doesn't remember what it used to feel like when they danced and when his hands would touch her waist as Stefan slowly puts his hands on Elena's waist, Elena says no and Stefan holds her hand asks how does she feel their fingers would touch Elena says she feels nothing and then Stefan lays her down and asks her if her heart refuses to remember, Elena asks what heart and leaves, later Stefan asks Caroline to dance with him after Elena stole her dress and asks Stefan if she can kill her, Stefan notices that she found another dress Caroline says its from Klaus and Stefan says that she has him wrapped around her finger she says that if she had Klaus wrapped around her finger then she will be with Tyler and asks him about any progress with dress thief, Stefan says its affecting him a whole lot more than its affecting her Caroline asks him what does he mean he says that every time he tells himself that he's moving on there's this part of him that just can't seem to shake her, Caroline says that normal and that they were in love and that doesn't go away because he declares that He looses control and ends up killing her. Stefan had a horse during his human years named Mezzanotte, which means "midnight" in Italian. He said he learned French at his mother's knee. However, Valerie realizes that she will never be first to him and she breaks up with Stefan because he cannot get over his love for Caroline. He however sees that there's also something else-Elena has turned off her humanity and he asks why. At first he thinks that she's Katherine but than when he kisses her (as he is indeed romantically involve with Katherine) he understands that this is Elena so he takes her away. Finally, Enzo has had enough and stabs a fork on Stefan. The younger Salvatore doesn't respond but instead says that he wanted Elena to find him when the safe find opened. They start dancing and Elena goes to them, showing to be a bit jealous although she denies it. He takes her to the hospital. Stefan returns the conversation to the story of the Five, and Klaus explains that Rebekah's beau, Alexander, was looking for vampires with the assumption that they could not walk in the daylight, so Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah felt safe around Alexander while wearing their daylight rings. They leave the room so that Connor can't listen to their conversation, and Stefan asks Klaus about the Five. Elena had tears in her eyes. Later he is in the Salvatore's mansion burning his diaries, and Elena and Damon arrive. At the moment they kissed in front of Elena's house, someone interrupted this perfect moment. Lexi starts teasing Stefan about Caroline, until they watch Sheriff Forbes talking to Markos about an open bar and gathering everyone there and realize there's a plan. It was then that Stefan miraculously saved Elena's life, but was unable to save Elena's parents, Grayson and Miranda, who did not survive the tragedy. He rushes her to the hospital. After Elena has freed Elijah from the dagger, Stefan respects her wishes and lets her try to talk with him alone and soon after is seen protecting Jenna from Klaus who is still in Alaric body. Eventually Stefan walks into the church and, after briefly talking to Tyler and Caroline, finds a seat as Carol begins the service for Pastor Young and the council. Stefan calls Damon and Elena to tell them what is happening with Katherine. The news is on. He adds that he has killed many people and he has to live with that but he's not going to live with the guilt from the people she has killed too. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals. In the meantime Caroline manages to find Elena in the woods. Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she need to hear what he really thinks about she and Klaus, but Stefan starts joking, making smile to Caroline, he also looks at her with a tender smile. When he returns, they clink glasses before Charlotte arrives, with a bloody corpse in her arms. She knocks him out and locks him in the county Jail. Maria tries hitting the brakes, but it nothing happens. On the Grill, Stefan and Damon are drinking, Stefan tells Damon that him without Elena is making miserable and that he must deal with his problems, on that moment Caroline arrives and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tell to them that he don't need their help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again. He then arrives at an unknown destination and puts a bandage on his chest where the mark of the sword is currently bleeding. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. She accuses him of working with Klaus and refuses to talk to him after he tells her it isn't what she thinks. Klaus sends Stefan after her to find out where the hunter's sword, required to decode the map, was hidden. Despite reservations from Damon, Stefan tells her to do it anyway. When Katherine asks him about what he wanted to say to her, he can't bring himself to ruin her happiness with the bad news about Aaron's death. And she says-No, having fun. She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. Damon is in the room with Katherine who has been torturing, Stefan asks to Damon to stop and he leave the room. I can't atone for my mistakes if I keep making them. He claims he has a system for starting over. Even after Damon voices his opinion to Elena herself, Stefan and Elena leave for their camping trip as planned. At first, Nik disliked Stefan because of his relationship with Rebekah. Then, he tells Caroline about Nora and Mary Louise's threat and they come up with a plan to distract them while Damon tries to figure out a way to bring back Oscar. Stefan still refuses to leave without his brother, same goes for Elena when she joins them, but Bonnie grabs her, forcing her through. In that moment Rebekah wakes up, Damon tries to kill her but she catches the knife he threw at her and with that they realize that she's still a vampire and the fake cure was probably just some blood with vervain in it. When they arrived, Elena took a few moments and went into the house, leaving Stefan outside. Zach Salvatore had a girlfriend who was pregnant with their daughter at the time, and because Damon is Damon, he killed Zach's girlfriend and nearly killed their unborn child (but Stefan intervened and managed to save the baby). Later, Damon shows him Amara in her cell and explains to his brother that they can use her so that Silas could bring Bonnie back to life. Stefan says that Elijah can tell him where they are and they can all talk it through. Angered, he calls Caroline and asks if she 'would like to drive the White Oak Stake through Rebekah's heart' whilst quickly leaving the Grill. Sheriff Forbes surprises Caroline at Whitmore and brought all of her favorite Christmas things. Stefan also begins to develop feelings and a relationship with Caroline but things go awry when her mother is diagnosed with inoperable cancer and dies, causing Caroline to turn her humanity off and forces Stefan to do the same by kidnapping Sarah and threatening to have her killed due to Stefan being Caroline's "humanity trigger". Lucy appears, getting their attention, she gives the moonstone to Katherine. As he discusses this with Katherine, strong sexual tension quickly appears between them and this time they resolve it by passionately making out in front of the fireplace at the Salvatore Boarding House. The younger Salvatore asks where she has hidden the headstone, but she refuses to tell him as he has already betrayed her twice. Seasons later, after Stefan sacrificed his life to help save Mystic Falls from hellfire, they are reunited in peace, in death. Stefan and Elena arrive with Nadia to a old house, she tells them that is looking for a Traveler for do a spell where Katherine take her body. Valerie becomes Stefan's friend and closest ally, which irritates Caroline. She was looking for a bottle opener in a drawer when she found the little black box he didn't want her to see. Elena and Jeremy's life, Stefan had to kill her. Stefan responds that he indeed knows her best-she puts her hope in all the wrong places and sometimes in the wrong people. After many years away, Stefan returned to his hometown of Mystic Falls to visit his distant nephew, Zach. No one knows how they escaped the car. Caroline agrees and says that she'll get Matt and also do whatever people are doing in this situations. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters, Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Damon barges in and says he's taking Stefan to interrogate Valerie. When in a bar drinking together arrives the waitress, Stefan feels the need to drink her blood. Stefan and Katherine at Tyler's welcome party. He was in Chicago with Lexi at a Bon Jovi concert, which unbeknownst to them was Katherine watching them from afar. Damon gets angry with Stefan when he realizes that Stefan stopped him from killing Klaus in order to save his life again. When she sees Stefan with Jeremy's body she suddenly stops talking and looks at the younger Salvatore. He has to deal with and immortal named Silas. He met Lexi in New Orleans and she got him to feed on animal blood. This is later found to be false. Caroline and Stefan Stefan hits Tyler for hurting Caroline saying that even when he is drunk she didn't deserve this behavior. After she knocked out Jamie she helps Stefan to pull out the wooden bullets and she tells him, she kissed Damon. He was the kind of person who tries to protect and save everyone at the same time. When Katherine is absent for a while he meets Caroline and tells her about his concerns about Damon and reveals that he doesn't want Elena to give up on Damon, because he is afraid that they might loose him without her help. Because of his blood addiction, Stefan was a certified "blood-a-holic" (which is a term coined from alcoholic by Caroline). She tells him about Nadia's been compelling Matt to forget things, and Caroline shows Stefan Matt's text message, calling for help with a K, she takes the phone back and they start talking about the strange behavior of Elena, Stefan tells her that Elena kissed him, they begin to realize all actions that Elena has been doing lately and then between the two realize that Katherine has actually possessed the body of Elena. He had an older brother, Damon Salvatore, who is also a cured vampire and whom he shared a strained relationship with, stemming from the appearance of Katherine Pierce over whom they fought whilst human. Caroline says him, that she knew that the Klaus thing was gonna come with consequences and that now she just have to deal with it and learn from her mistakes. It almost worked, but then Caroline realized what he was trying to do and told Stefan that he'd crossed the line. Stefan gets shot by Jamie, after realizing that Jamie has been compelled by someone. Elena and Stefan talk about the cure and Elena says that she can't take it if it's only one dose. "It doesn't fucking matter! However, the origin of the tattoo, its significance and when Stefan got the tattoo was all unknown. He then attacks Bonnie before going after Elena, only for Bonnie to use the Cure, taken from Elena's blood, on Stefan in revenge and self-defense. Stefan wakes up just as Damon arrives. He scoffs when she says she fought through her grief over Bonnie all by herself. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. Tyler starts a fight, ending with him accidentally stabbing Matt. Stefan showed great strength when he fought the compulsion and told Elena to run. Valerie introduces Stefan to Julian and Stefan assumes he is Valerie's father. He uses the other to knock Stefan over when he rushes him. He wakes up Damon from his sleep with a few drops of blood and they are soon dodging wooden arrows and bullets from an unknown assailant. They argue about Elena going to Damon for help instead of Stefan, and Elena admits that she felt that Damon would understand. They fight for a short moment until Stefan throws a knife at him and kills him. At the hospital, Damon disagrees with Caroline's suggestion to use vamp blood to cure her mum. In one of the visions of Katherine is reveals to Damon that she met Stefan before than him, and for Stefan, she made the decision to stay in their home. Throughout the course of the series, Stefan has been strewn out of Fells Church, mostly out of his control, causing him and Elena to repeatedly become separated from each other. Julian ask what he is talking about and Stefan tells him that Maria is dead, Stefan tries to comfort Julian, but he recoils angry, Caroline tells him that It wasn't Stefan's fault, Stefan say that he wasn't the one that killed her. Tyler comes in to announce the problem of the week. Katherine states that, while humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness. A detective then approached him, showed him a sketch of Nik and Rebekah and asked if he had ever seen them before. She says that she doesn't want the cure and asks them if they'll accept her decision and let her be who she is or not. He start talking about Damon and says that he finally had everything he wanted, that he was happy and that he should be there, he is sad because Damon and Lexi are gone for good, Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry, Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word. In I Went to the Woods, Stefan is in the body of Marty Hammond who is human and an alcoholic. Damon leaves, and Elena admits that although she was able to feed successfully, she hated the experience and how it made her feel. She goes to Jeremy and Bonnie who are trying to get the cure out of Silas' hands, but Vaughn is trying to prevent them from doing it. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. Just then Stefan grabs his chest and seems to find it difficult to breathe. In the tenth episode he goes into the cave to save Jeremy from Katherine. However, despite them becoming romantically involved, various and numerous obstacles begin to come between the two, making Stefan and Elena struggle and fight to be together. He wakes up as Elena comes inside his room and wakes him up. Stefan agrees and goes down while Damon is left up with Rebekah. Klaus tells him that they were 'in this together' and proceeds to show him Alexander's Sword, explaining that the sword decodes Jeremy's hunter's tattoo. As Caroline darts away in another direction, Elena and Stefan run through a hallway, slamming a door and trying to use their collective strength to keep hybrid-Tyler out. He suggests they leave the party instead, and Elena finally hands over the stake. Elena, Damon and Alaric later formulate a plan to catch Stefan off guard and lock him up, to try and restore him to his normal self. In the novels, as humans, Stefan and Damon fight to the death with a sword. Damon suggests that what Stefan is really afraid of is that Elena will become like Stefan's ripper alter-ego or, worse, that she will be like Damon. After hearing that Caroline has Sarah Salvatore, Stefan and Elena find Caroline at the grill making three margaritas, one for each of them. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. Damon, immediately suspicious about Klaus' involvement, tries to get Stefan to admit what he seems to not be telling them. Katherine tells him that if she "starts to sag. They talk and Stefan says that this wasn't the right way, that this was a mistake, but Damon says that it was the only for her to survive. Still in Chicago with Klaus and Rebekah at the start of Disturbing Behavior, Katherine signals to Stefan (who is in a clothing store) that she wants to talk with him. But Katherine tells him that he needs to feel, because she needs him to get angry. Stefan later asks Elena why did she save him from the burning car, and calls her pathetic when she says she still has hope, causing his ex-girlfriend to stab him. Stefan is later seen with Caroline and he finds Bonnie injured and hurt and finds out that she linked herself to Katherine, Caroline says she'll stay with her and Bonnie unlinks Katherine, Stefan stops Elena from killing Katherine and threatens her to leave before he kills her and Elena is angry at Stefan and asks him why did he save Katherine and he said that she was linked to Katherine so if she died Bonnie would die as well, Elena doesn't believe him asks Stefan if he still has feelings for Katherine he said it wasn't about her it about Jeremy and he also explains that killing Katherine won't take the pain away its a distraction just like beating up cinder-blocks and turning off her humanity and that loss is a part of the deal of being a vampire and the he was alive for a 163 years and he lost more lovers than he can count and it keeps hurting every single time and that Elena needs to face her grieve and he says he can help her but she refuses and punches him in the face and said it was like the cinder-block nothing. She then asks him if she should be scared of becoming him. Katherine arrives and offers to come with him and then she leaves to pack her things, leaving Stefan alone with Caroline. Stefan says, "Some girl I use to date," as tears form in his eyes. Elena observes that Stefan is awfully cheery, and he responds that he's just happy she is here. Elena stays at Stefan's old apartment, hides from Klaus and Stefan who hides from Elena before he takes a wine. In Blood Brothers, Stefan felt really guilty about all the things he had done and thinks that Damon did was his fault since he forced Damon to turn into a vampire. While driving back to New Orleans, Stefan says he can drop him off a nearby train station and Klaus hands his phone back to him. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. They start to talk about Damon being a hero and about Elena relationship with him, she says that their relationship is toxic but Stefan is disagrees, he interrupts her train of thought, trying to reassure her. Stefan tells her that now they have to sleep and close his eyes, Caroline is smiling and watching him resting her head on his shoulder, she close her eyes. She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. Stefan was an aspiring doctor during his human life. Stefan then walks through the door and into the room Caroline is being held in. Valerie whispers to Stefan "I will find my way back to you". Stefan seems satisfied at finally being able to stop Klaus but a part of him appears sad as well. In the end, he was the one to kill her. Back at Willoughby Elena and Elijah talk but Katherine appears and snaps her neck. When Stefan regains consciousness a second time, before Damon can make something Stefan attacks him, breaking his neck, Silas is kneeling in pain and Qetsiyah is worried about him because she thinks he's Stefan but Stefan arrives then where they are and reveals to Qetsiyah that she has been deceived, Stefan also regains his daylight ring. Outside the school, Stefan and Caroline try to soothe Elena, who is still furious about Rebekah's antagonism. But on the show, their father Giuseppe is the one who kills them by a gunshot wound. Katherine told Stefan that she wants the moonstone back and when he told her that she can't have it Katherine killed Aimee Bradley and left her in Stefan's arms he put Aimee's body in his car. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. They get back to the Gilbert house and see Caroline cleaning the floor from the burn mark where Kol died. Stefan arrives to his home, where Damon is alone, they talk about the Damon's time with Enzo when they were in the cell, Damon tells him that he will find a way to help Enzo, Stefan says that it is not worth doing it, but Damon tells him that when they were both in the lab, it was Enzo who convinced him to not hate Stefan, Damon tells Stefan that he also has to be thankful to Enzo for that, unaware that Enzo at the moment is already dead. The first immortal follows him in the woods and has a heartbreaking confession with Amara until Stefan catches him from behind. Stefan responds that he was a psychotic killer with no emotions back then and Rebekah disagrees by saying that he might have been a killer, but he wasn't emotionless, to which Stefan admits that he really did have fun. In Our Town, Stefan's obsession for revenge, drives him to kidnap Elena in an effort to get Klaus to call off his hybrids. He asks her to invite him in, and after she does he embraces her, comforting her as she cries. They briefly reunite when Katherine comes back to try and destroy Mystic Falls, which classified them as enemies once again. Supernatural information Unable to control his bloodlust, he spent over 10 years slaughtering his way through North America - including a stint with Klaus and Rebekah in the 1920s - until Lexi pulled him back from the edge. Stefan had a pale complexion, broad forehead, strong bone structure (angular jawline), deep-set, forest green eyes, a straight nose and a well-formed mouth. When Damon told Elena what he was doing, they got into a fight. In Break On Through, Elena runs into Stefan at the Salvatore boarding house and catches him serving himself blood from a blood bag. Stefan mentions that he would have given anything to have spent one more day with her before her death. Eventually Damon drank the girl's blood and told Stefan that he was right, that it felt like a whole new world being a vampire. Stefan tells him that it's not a good time. Stefan just gets up and walks away. Stefan tries to make Damon to change his mind, Damon tells him that he doesn't want to be saved and Stefan should find himself a new hobby and that he feels better 'like' he is. When he notice Damon has been waiting for the day they had a fight because Stefan made him turn.

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stefan salvatore kill count